Thursday, November 26, 2009

Holiday for some... routine for others

Our day started off bright and early at 0630 by some team members participating in the Turkey Trot 5K. Congratulations to LT Crowell for being the top CG finisher and in the top 10 overall. Also, a big shout out to Chief Key who finished his first 5K ever! Way to go Chief! Bravo Zulu to all participants:

LT Burkhalter
LT Danaher
LT Crowell
LTJG Rudolf
ENS List
Chief Key
PO Houghton
PO Knight
PO Guerrero
PO Ketchum
PO Serrano
PO Silva
PO Walker
PO Sparhawk
PO Aloe
PO Dominguez and...
me :)

The galley fixed an unbelievable feast with all the trimmings and delicious desserts.... not as good as home, of course. Even though the duty crews couldn't make it to the galley, the food made it's way to them. We wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving hope that you enjoyed the day with family and friends.

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