Saturday, January 30, 2010

Command Update

While this message is a little late, Chief Lawson would like to wish you all a happy New Year!
I hope this finds everyone doing well. It has been very busy over the past month for our entire crew, those deployed and those in garrison. Things continue to move at a fast pace and everyone is doing fantastic work and staying safe. In addition to our assigned mission tasking, we have had an opportunity to contribute in small ways to the Haiti Earthquake relief efforts. 5 of our team members augmented a Joint Task Force division assigned to maintain accountability and direct the hundreds of logistical support personnel flowing in and out of the affected region. This was a 24x7 operation and was vital toward the overall organization of the relief efforts. Thank you to: PO Gasparas, PO White, PO Sampson, PO Oh, and PO Makins for volunteering to assist and representing the Coast Guard so well.

Photo by: PA1 Conroy, PADET San Diego

Team members are also participating in several operations in the LA/LB area and some upcoming national significant events in other regions of the country.

Guardian of the Quarter: Congratulations to PO Narvaez who was selected for the 4th Quarter of 2009. PO Narvaez excelled in his duties in the Training Division and took on numerous additional responsibilities such as, load planner, morale committee member, sims instructor, and K9 Cover Officer. His outstanding performance as a load planner enabled us to successfully deploy on time with thousands of pounds of gear. His expertise and attention to detail for such a complex evolution drew much praise from the Air Force Load Planners. BZ PO Narvaez and thanks for all your great work!

Thanks to our Ombudsman for some great posts, filled with excellent information and for organizing the upcoming gathering. I hope as many as possible can attend the event.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support. We could not do what we do without you!

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