Thursday, February 11, 2010

From the COMDT - State of the Coast Guard Address

To the Men and Women of the U.S. Coast Guard,

On Friday, February 12th, I will deliver my final State of the Coast Guard address at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from 1300-1400. I will discuss the impacts of our Fiscal Year 2011 budget (, the need to recapitalize our aging fleet, and how our ongoing relief efforts in Haiti reflect the value we provide to the American public and the global maritime community.

I know most of you will not be able to attend but you can watch this event and the question and answer session at the National Press Club's website: ; At 1255, a blue box will appear in the middle of the main web page as the event is streamed live on their website. To conserve resources, I encourage commands to facilitate group viewing by showing the video in large common areas. The speech is also scheduled for live streaming on C-SPAN ( and it will be archived on their web site for future viewing. CSPAN may also broadcast my remarks on one of their television stations so I encourage you to check there first before watching it on your computer.

You have an opportunity to submit a question in advance or after the event. To submit a question beforehand, put ALLEN in the subject line and email before 1100 on February 12th. The National Press Club coordinates these questions and we cannot guarantee they will be asked at the event.

Afterwards, I will post the entire speech on my website ( and on my blog ( where you can provide comments or questions.

I appreciate all that you do for our Coast Guard and I hope you will be able to watch my remarks at some point over the weekend. Thank you and Semper Paratus.

Admiral Thad W. Allen Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard

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