Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome Aboard LCDR Margita

First I’d like to extend a warm, sunny California welcome to LCDR Tim Margita who will be taking Command this Friday, 30 July. He, his wife LCDR (sel) Caryn Margita and their 3 boys are reporting from their previous assignments at the Coast Guard Academy and Officer Candidate School in New London, CT. We look forward to a great week ahead!

Since 28 June, the majority of our Team has been deployed to regions of Louisiana participating in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response efforts. They have been working around-the-clock with local, state, and federal agencies enforcing safety zones and transporting pollution investigators for this massive operation. They have done an outstanding job under arduous conditions and we are looking forward to their safe return.

On 12-14 July, Vertical Insertion Team Members from MSST San Diego and MSST LA/LB completed an Interagency Certification with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (pictured). This is a significant accomplishment as it marks the first time that the Coast Guard has conducted such operations using non-federal aircraft and allows us to greatly enhance the security capabilities in the nation’s largest container port. Great job to all who were involved in making this happen and we greatly appreciate the LA Sheriff’s Department for their outstanding partnership!

It’s hard for me to believe that 3 years have gone by and that it’s time for me to depart. This has been a truly terrific tour and the reason is because of the truly terrific members of this Team. I am grateful for your constant support, flexibility, passion for the mission and compassion for people. I am humbled by your selfless service and I am honored to have had this opportunity to serve with you. Thank you and Semper Paratus!

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