Monday, September 13, 2010

Family Preparedness

Good Afternoon MSST LA/LB Members, Friends & Families!

As you may know, September is National Preparedness Month. I would like to take this opportunity to provide you and your families with some information concerning Family Preparedness. Just like any region, Southern California is prone to natural disasters which may have a severe impact on critical emergency services and limit the availability of food, water, and medical supplies (don't forget prescriptions & pet supplies too). This is why it is critical each family have the ability to sustain itself for a prolonged period of time. Your preparedness also enables emergency responders to focus on restoring services and perform life-saving functions.

Here are a few great resources and checklists to ensure you & your families are Semper Paratus:

Red Cross: or

There are a bunch of other resources out there, and I encourage you to share any other helpful links/info you have.


-Bryan Burkhalter

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