Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Great information from the Navy's Weekly OPSEC Snapshot.
HTTPS is a means to encrypt your connection to Facebook so that anything you send to Facebook can't be used by anyone else who happens to be monitoring you.  It is a significant upgrade in security that should have minimal to no impact on how you use Facebook.
The OPSEC Snapshot encourages everyone to adopt this feature as it becomes available -- Facebook is still rolling out this capability so everyone may not have the option yet. 
OPSEC Snapshot has also provided a brief for anyone who hasn't adjusted their Facebook privacy settings.  http://www.slideshare.net/USNavySocialMedia/facebook-privacy-settings-february-2011

NOTE: This should NOT be seen as a panacea for privacy concerns on Facebook, rather an added piece of security while browsing. Individual users still need to adjust their privacy settings accordingly and refrain from posting information that is prohibited per recent USCG guidance.

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