Sunday, August 9, 2009

Team Update

We are nearing the end of summer transfer season and I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new members and families! I look forward to seeing all of you during our training on Saturday, 19 September 2009. We are looking for volunteers to assist our Ombudsman with the event on 19 September as well as with various projects throughout the year. If you are interested in helping, please contact our Ombudsman at

Congratulations to Lee Conroy (pictured) who was advanced to Chief (E-7) on 01 July 2009. It was an honor to be a part of this significant achievement in his career! Our team members completed another successful deployment to the Seattle area during the month of June conducting ports, waterways, and coastal security operations. Several members completed resident training courses to include: Basic Tactical Operators Course, the Maritime Law Enforcement Academy, Advanced Marksman Instructor course, and Tactical Coxswain and Crew courses. Congratulations to all members for completing these rigorous programs.

Everyone has dedicated numerous hours preparing for our upcoming Mobile Training Team evaluation and our Standardization Team/Ready for Operations evaluations. Over the next two weeks we will undergo a complete assessment of overall unit readiness to include: operations, administration, training, and maintenance of all platforms, resources, and personnel.

A special thanks to all the families for your patience and understanding. I realize your loved ones have spent a lot of time away from home including weekends, holidays, and evenings. Our success would not be possible without your support!

To all who have departed PCS, thank you very much for all of your hard work, dedication, flexibility, and leadership. It was truly a pleasure serving with you and I wish your and your family all the best in your next assignment. Fair winds and following seas!

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