Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hip-Hip Hooray... it's May!

Greetings family and friends!

We managed to get about 60% of the deployed crew together for a photo. Due to watch schedules and operations it is next to impossible to get everyone at once. While we managed to get almost everyone together, we did not manage to pay attention. Ops must have thought the photographer was behind him??? Thanks to PO Sylvester for taking the picture... great job YN2!

Advancements: Congratulations to PO Renuk and PO Reza who advanced to Second Class on 01 May 2010! Well deserved and thank you for all that you do to keep our waterways safe and secure.

Guardian of the Quarter: Congratulations to PO Serrano (aka The Weapon) on being selected as MSST 91103’s Guardian of the Quarter. PO Serrano’s consistently positive attitude and strong work ethic have made him a valuable part of our Team. In addition to his numerous duties and responsibilities in the Eng/Support Dept, he volunteered to serve as the EMT during several range training days and participated in several morale events. Bravo Zulu and thanks for all of your great work PO Serrano!

Awards: Congratulations to the following Waterside Security and Comms members who were awarded the Coast Guard Achievement Medal on 03 May 2010 for their superb actions and judgment in stopping a Go-Fast vessel on 06 Apr 2010:

PO Dyer
PO Bush
PO Quintana
PO Chapman
PO Wright, A.
PO Latess
PO McDonald
PO Willey

Qualifications and Certifications:

PO Jones - Command Duty Officer Qualification
PO Montano – ROV Primary Technician/Operator
PO Hooker – ROV Primary Technician/Operator
PO Hart – Vertical Insertion Fast Rope Master Certification

Congrats to all and thanks for your contributions towards our overall readiness.

Dusty and Asia Retirement: On 11 May 2010 our faithful and dedicated K9’s will retire from the U.S. Coast Guard. For 8 over years Dusty and Asia have valiantly served our country by using their explosive detection abilities to identify any threats to our ports and critical infrastructure. Petty Officer’s Boyle and Leland pioneered the Canine Explosive Detection Team program and have served as Dusty and Asia’s Handlers for the past 8 years… all 4 are Plankowners of MSST 91103. Last year they were awarded Meritorious Service Medals for their extraordinary Coast Guard wide contributions. PO’s Leland and Boyle are transferring this summer to new units. You will be greatly missed and we are grateful for your exceptional service. Fair winds and following seas!

Baby News: Congratulations to PO Silva on the new addition to his family. Gavin was born on 10 April, weighing in at 5 lbs, 14 oz and 19 inches long. Petty Officer Silva, it was a pleasure to have you on our Team for this deployment. You are a true professional and thank you for all of your outstanding work and sacrifices. Mrs. Silva, thank you for your support and understanding while your husband was away. We recognize the difficulty of taking care of the family and the household (especially when you’re expecting), and we too appreciate your service to our country.

Hollywood News: As mentioned in my previous post, our garrison crew members were involved in the filming of CSI Miami and since then, we had the opportunity to participate in the filming of CSI New York. Set your DVR’s for the following dates:

17 May 2010: CSI Miami will have our boats and boatcrews (Coxn’s: PO McElroy and PO Renuk).

26 May 2010: CSI New York (Season Finale) will have a “Tactical Team” composed of members from MSST LA/LB and PSU 311.

Just a reminder about the Family Gathering on Saturday, 08 May from 10a-2p at the MSST Boat House (see previous post from Ombudsman). There will be a lot of important information to pass as well as activities for all. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please RSVP with our Ombudsman, Stepheni Norton at so that she can plan and prepare accordingly. Thank you Stepheni for coordinating this event!

Finally Happy Mother's Day to all those who have the toughest job of all... we salute you!

All for now...

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