Thursday, July 21, 2011

Credo Marriage Enrichment Retreat

Credo is still accepting registrations for their 26-28, Aug and 16-18, Sept. Marriage Enrichment Retreat at the Doubletree Hotel, Misson Valley, San Diego!


Contact the CREDO SW office at 619-556-2826 for details

More Info
This is a great opportunity to make a good marriage better or to iron out some of the wrinkles of a marriage. These retreats are popular, professional, and fill up quickly.

Here are some of the retreat details:

1. The retreat is at no-cost to you: two nights in the hotel, meals, and parking are paid for you at a local resort!

2. A weekend for married couples, Friday 6:30 PM - Sunday 11:59AM.

3. All married couples are welcome and will learn how to maintain or improve their marriage and better handle inevitable conflicts. There is no pressure to change: all respond as they see fit.

4. Every MER includes materials from the Gottman Institute (strengthening your marriage) and various marriage enrichment tools are incorporated from other marriage and relationship enhancement programs.

5. NO CHILDREN: the MER is for married couples to focus on their relationships. Children may not accompany the couples, nor occupy the rooms.

6. We meet Friday night [approx 2 hrs], Saturday morning [4 hrs], Saturday evening [2 hrs], and Sunday morning [3.5 hrs]); Saturday afternoon is for couples to enjoy the local area.

7. Meals provided are: breakfast, lunch, & dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday are included. NO DINNER IS SERVED FRIDAY EVENING: snacks only.

8. Couples may check into their rooms as early as 3PM on Friday though, the first session begins promptly at 6:30PM, Friday evening.

Additional information and an easy registration link is also on the CREDO Southwest web-page. Click on the link below to take you there!

Website: uthwest or cnrsw/Programs/CommandandS taff/ReligiousMinistries/C REDO/index.htm
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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