Monday, April 6, 2009

Team 91103 In Action

During the month of March, we completed a significant amount training and exercising of our advanced interdiction capabilities.
Congratulations to the MLE/FP team for the successful completion of another quarterly Mobile Training Team (MTT) visit. "Top Gun" honors went to Petty Officer Conroy for his outstanding precision and accuracy on the range. Several members from the Waterside Security Division also became certified coxswains and crew members on the Special Purpose Craft (pictured) -- our newest small boat specifically designed to deliver boarding teams. The final day of MTT culminated in an entire Team evolution which tested our response to an emergent maritime threat. We captured a lot of "lessons learned" which will enable us to improve our response and proficiency.

Bravo Zulu to Team 91103 and particular thanks to LT Fair and LTJG Crowell of the Operations and Planning Departments for coordinating all the training!

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