Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome Back Team 91103

The Team has been very busy over the past few weeks with deployments to Corpus Christi, TX and Seattle, WA. During each of the deployments the crews worked together with the Sectors as well as other Maritime Safety and Security Teams, the Coast Guard Pacific Strike Team, Station Seattle, and other local government agencies to ensure the safety and security of operations within the respective ports. Bravo Zulu to Petty Officer Barrow, the lead coxswain for the Corpus Christi deployment and Chief Texier, the Deployable Team Leader for the Seattle deployment. Each of these members did a superb job of leading their crews and ensuring safe and effective mission execution.

This week we will be hosting several auditors from the DHS Office of the Inspector General who are analyzing the MSST program. Those crews who were not deployed spent a great deal of time preparing for this week’s activities. Thank you to all for gathering the data and developing demonstrations that will enable us to provide the best information possible during the audit.

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